Police have arrested four youths so far in connection with the molestation case of a girl in Guwahati on Monday night. Identified as Dhanraj Basfor, the youth was arrested on Wednesday evening on the basis of the footage beamed by the satellite TV news channels. Police further have also identified another three - Dhruba Jyoti Kalita, Sikandar Basfor and Dipak Dey.
Dhruba Jyoti Kalita, an employee of state government's IT development agency Amtron, was sacked on Tuesday and he is still absconding. Dhanraj and Sikandar reside in Horizon colony of the Indrapur area here and working at Gauhati Medical College Hospital. The other youth, Dipak Dey, is said to be an auto rickshaw driver who stays at a rented house at Ananda Nagar. The district administration asked police to take up the matter strictly and also submit a report. The Assam Human Rights Commission has also registered case in the matter.
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