Authorities on Thursday have issued a non bailable warrant against Gogoi. The action is coming up after the Dhemaji district administration lodged a complaint against him alleging his role in the recent incident in front of DC office premises. Scores were injured when police and CRPF jawans sprang upon a mammoth gathering but according to the FIR a section of the people led by Akhil Gogoi pelted stones at the security forces deployed there.
BJP leader L K Advani will be on a two-day visit to the BTAD areas on Monday and Tuesday. The BJP veteran will visit the worst-affected Kokrajhar district and some other areas in the state and meet the affected people in the relief camps. The visit assumes significance after a party team submitted its report to party president Nitin Gadkari.
The BJP’s fact finding team blamed illegal immigrants for the violence and demanded that the Indo-Bangladesh border be sealed immediately and sought more deployment of army and para-military forces to check the spread of violence.
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