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NDFB strikes again; 12 dead

At least 12 persons were killed and 30 others injured in an indiscriminate firing by the banned National Democratic Front of Bodoland (NDFB) militants at Bhiumajuli in Bihali Reserve Forest area in Sonitpur district on Sunday. According to information, heavily armed militants belonging to the RaNJAN DAIMARY faction of the Voro rebel outfit came to the spot on Sunday evening and started to fire targeting some shops. The militants earlier served extortion notices only to be denied by the villagers. Immediately after the firing, the militants left the spot leaving 11 persons dead on the spot.The injured have been rushed to nearby civil hospitals at Biswanath Chariali and Tezpur. Police and Para-military forced have started a massive combing operation in and around the spot of incident to apprehend the culprits.But There is no report ofany arrest.


Dorika's picture

North-East India is so much like Africa. Just check out these: 1. Rich in natural resource, but poor human resource 2. Aggressive Tribalism, Tribal Agenda too High for a cosmopolitan mindset 3. Like many tribes in Africa, many hill tribes have taken up Christianity and Western lifestyles, but still xenophobic in mental set-up 4. Christianity has not been able to bring in 'Universal Peace and Brotherhood', it has just expanded the base of Christians which is the objective of the Pope in Vatican city. 5. Highly Racist in social order...fellow countrymen need Inner Line Permits (ILP) in hill states even when they have gone up much higher in all ranks in the national level. Students from NE hill states are moving out to study in Delhi. Students from Delhi will never come to such xenophobic towns where racism rules the roost. 6. Highly consumerist societies, no productivity, not self-reliant in food, clothes or anything else. Still talks about 'seperate lands'. The list goes on and on.....
Sanjana's picture

Now i expect Sabierence to response....want to know his views on this incident.... This band terrorist are another form of dacoits consisting of illeterate guys and blind eyes without brains..there mission is loot others hard earn money,kill and make undeveloped areas so that missionaries' goal gets successful
Nabajit Malakar's picture

I would like to respond to Dorika's comment. His/her observations are partially true. But I would suggest him/her to read more on the issue and then give judgements.


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