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Open letter to ULFA

Dear Anjan Borthakur Dangoriya,

I am writing this mail with more pain and deep shock at your self styled bhratri ghati comments and activities increasing day by day. Since you all people are hiding in another country with great peace and keep sending statements from the safe heaven with better life and keep killing own people for no reasons, this had alarmed we all. Every blast in Assam, you come out with a ready made excuse. We all know when its IED blast - its you - ULFA. When it is powerful RDX or Afghanistani or Talibani like heavy blast like the last one, its NDFB/BLTY/BTF/MULTA under HuJI funding by crores of rupees contract. I fear if you failed to get that contract from ISI or HuJI. It is well known that your leadership is in hands of ISI and can never sit for dialogue with Govt of India or Assam Govt. You people can never come out from ISI hands and the ultimate way is death in Pakistani soil. We are sure one fine day all your leaderships will be taken to Lahore for final verdict.

Will you people realise from the fete of LTTE- the only supposed to be strong extremist organization to fight for so long having own fighter aircraft? No LTTE is on the run. They are fighting from SL-not from Bangladesh or Pakistani soil and keep barking from behind.

Assam is back to before 1826 now- the Mann like situations are created by your groups while your most of the brilliants was killed by your foolishness. There was time when entire Assamese and even Indians used to support you for making Assam an Golden Assam! Even Military people supported in large number. But- You betrayed all. Now you got no brilliant people with you. Neither you are able to create good educations inside Assam. Instead Assam is into pieces.. like cloth cut piece. Never your leadership felt for it.

A large number of your so called cadres left you and enjoying well with that money, and today they are powerful and rich. Education in the state is in ruins, Assamese language in bad shape. Social traditions gone, society is broken. Only gun culture did arise. Large number of Assamese youths left for fear.. since no job. All due to your started long hours of Bandh culture to take back another 1000 years.....

What you get out of it?? Does your leadership got an control??? Gun means just kill anyone for personal jealousy. Isnot it? Previous Guwahati mass killings was what fun? What for 5 crores contract was given by ISI lead HuJI. After my mail, you people released crocodile tear like one so called traditional statement. I and we all know that you all are now following Talibanism system.

How many good IAS, IPS officer or Military officer your people could created to run your own DREAM country? Its not simple to create a country by just seeing one film. You need officers, administrators well. Assam fails to provide good leadership to lead Assamese to the world. Assamese are no more fit to join Armed Forces. Only handful get selected for state home guard or police. One fine day state police force will be hired like British time from the neighbouring states. Goalpara Sainik School fails to produce good people. Once it did produced good officers. NDA. RIMA failes to get Assamese.

Now you are attacking only one higher lever existing Indian Air Force pilot, Air Vice Marshal Barborah. He is a real officer to do lot. He did upgraded long neglected Salanibari Tezpur Air Force Station to a hi tech one to counter China. Till now none thought this. He stands for nation, one of the best democracy in the world, India. He stands for people of Assam, I know well. Bravery and courage are to be appreciated always.

Giving title to freedom fighter to your cadres are misuse of the term I feel. How many know how to handle weapons? Simply holding weapons does not mean you are deadly! There is way, there is training.

Long ago your former mostly wanted and publicly supported Megha Phukan was helped by Tezpur women to get escaped from prison. It was somewhere in 1993.But like him man failed to realise Army system of battle. He failed to understand accuracy of rocket launcher of Army. He chased Army with pistol.. and had to vanish in ashes with only one rocket shot!! All because your former leadership even betrayed own people.

Now you don't have any well trained people with you-other than some small time criminals or looters- who might threaten me like people for writing like this. Large number of your former looters are now big Contractors. This is no solution. Please see your face in the mirror and your leadership will find the solution. All know that you have no stand for Assam or Assamese. The massive routine killing of Assamese in own soil is keeping you with a big gap in between......

Again realise with LTTE, Taliban etc. Leave gun culture and abusive cultures and do best for Assam if can. Else go away like some asteroids to space......
First try to protect own people if you really wanted to prove your existence, then think for yourself. Where did your traditional constitution gone?? Where did your principles did go?? Vanished??

But I can sure say - Jai Aii Axom!

- Bikash


Major Bikash Das's picture

Realy good article
Rupak Sarma's picture

Its thought provoking and a good read.
Debajit kataki's picture

Good post, thanks,but does these reach out to the concerned?
thakur's picture

dear bikash, the situation raised in asom is really very sad and unbearable.but we should know those who involved with that very notorious task,especially bomb exploded by miscreant. i think ulfa never involve in such a notorious things.they fight for the retoration of asom freedom. it's very regrettable for all of us that most of the media persons is getting try to blaming us that the ulfa involved. as a citizen of asom u should clear whether the ulfa is involve with that very notorious task or not. i am really be happy if u try to clear it consciously. with regards thakur
Pallabi B gohain's picture

It really touched my heart why asssamese people are not understanding
Maina's picture

Hi Bikash, Your blog really touched my heart.I hope the ULFA leaders now realize their mistakes and stop killing innocent people. Thanks Maina
Ajoy Warisa's picture

axom is an example of how politics can completely destroy things. it is sad to see how singlehandedly those in power sold the state to bangladesh. on one hand ULFA kills its own people and on the other politicians trade axom to bangladesh.
jitendra kumar tiwari's picture

we need writer like Bikash his article will touch the heart of every citizen and if get more writer like Bikash we hope we can dream of golden axom once again carry on bikash we are with u


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