GUWAHATI: Two bikers snatched away a bag containing money on the road leaving the Guwahati police red faced on Wednesday. The bizarre incident of broad day light took place in Beltola at 12.00 noon where Bappi Debnath, Mahim Nath were on the road after withdrawing cash Rs 2 lakh from the ICICI Bank.
As the duo reached the road two bikers halted before them and snatched away the bag and vanished from the spot in full view of the pedestrians who kept watching the entire incident. “This is yet another incident suggesting utter lack of security in the heart of the city even in broad day light. Where was the policemen? Who will provide us safety and security?,’ said Rhituraj Saikia who was among the pedestrians.
Deepak Mahato, another pedestrian said,” the policemen were there at a stone’s throw distance. Never they could witnessed the moment when the sensational incident took place.” The incident took place hardly 15 days after two armed bikers in Bijoynagar area did the same killing a businessman in the evening triggering a huge protest.
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