Sanswrang Mushahary of Bodoland University has been arrested by police on Wednesday evening for alleged molestation charge by 17 students. Prof Mushahary was held by police after FIR lodged from students union and women cell of the university.
Prof. Sanswrang Mushahary, who is the head of department of Economic department and also principal in-charge of Music and Fine Arts College, Kokrajhar, was accused of molestation by the students of the university.
The students lodged a written statement to the university Vice chancellor and women cell against the professor.
Of the 17 who gave the statement, 10 are 1st semester students. They said the professor called them on the pretext of some work at his office room and commits the crime. He later threatens the students of action in the exams if they complain against him.
Mushahary tried to molests a 1st semister student yesterday and had called her on the pretext of some work at his office chamber and tried to molest her. When she shared the horror with her classmate about the incident, many came up with similar experience. They later complain to the student union of the university and together decided to filed a complain to the vice chancellor.
The student union today carried out a protest strike and gheaored the department office demanding action and suspension against the teacher.
The university vice chancellor Prof. Hemanta Kumar Baruah said the accused professor was was put under suspension till further inquiry. He said that it was unwanted incident committed by a teacher in the university.
The students demanded his suspension. “He should be sent to jail and his service terminated, Ransai Khunggur Mushahary, general secretary of the University students union said .
Prof. Mushahary has been arrested as per FIR lodged from women cell of Bodoland University by this evening from University.
Victim students demanded stern action against him along with punishment, who has created resented among students.
Prof. Mushahary refuse o speak to the media.
Police rushed the university to take stock about incident.
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