Assam observed Laxmi Puja across the state on Saturday seeking divine help from the goddess of wealth. The idols of the Hindu Goddess are being worshiped in the public places where the various organizations and clubs observed the occassion.
Various Cultural functions along with dance and music competitions are lined up to mark the occassions.
Guwahati, December 18, 2024: The School of Social Work at the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Guwahati Off-Campus, held its first-ever Inhmukhawm: Field Work Organisations’ Meet on Wednesday. The event, themed "Buen Vivr: Co-building a Sustainable and Just Future," brought together nearly 100 participants, including grassroots organizations, NGOs, and corporate social responsibility (CSR) representatives. Aligning with the International World Social Work Day 2024, the gathering focused on social work, sustainability, and justice, providing a platform for dialogue, learning, and collaborative innovation to enhance student fieldwork initiatives.
The event commenced with a warm...
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