Veteran political leader and former Lok sabha Speaker PA Sangma died after a sudden cardiac arrest in New Delhi on Friday. Sangma who has crossed 68 years of age suddenly complained of heart ailment at hisa own residence in New Delhi the morning died before being rushed to the hospital. Details are awaited.
Guwahati: Expressing anxiety over the recent earthquake that hit the Tibetan plateau killing over 125 residents and injuring several others, a forum of graduate engineers in northeast India apprehended probable damages in the Brahmaputra valley if the China-made massive hydropower project on Yarlung Zangbo collapses some day because of a high intensity tremor. All Assam Engineer’s Association (AAEA), in a media statement, also urges the Union government in New Delhi to strongly deal with the Beijing administration for safeguarding the entire Brahmaputra river basin comprising eastern India localities along with the north Bangladesh.
International news agencies reported ...
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