Yet another rape of 22-year-old woman from Nagaland shocks New Delhi. The incident took place in northwest Delhi’s where the girl from the north eastern region complaint before police that she was raped by her live-in partner on Sunday night. The accused was a 34 year old Nigerian who was her live-in partner who has been picked up after the receipt of the complaint. He allegedly raped the girl at a flat both they shared at Mukherjee Nagar area 9 months ago after she was lured on the pretext of finding her a job in a multi-national company. Sources told Assam Times that the Nigerian whom she met at faceook promised her to prove a good job at an MNC owned by his friend 9 months back. Then the Bangalore based girl from Nagaland rushed to the capital and started living together. They had sexual encounters and she became pregnant. But the Nigerian refused to marry her later forcing the girl to move police on Monday wee hours.
Panbaree Machans, Kaziranga: The inaugural Smily Academy XP drew to a successful close yesterday, marking the departure of participants from four continents to their respective countries. The five-day event, held amidst the breathtaking landscapes of Panbaree Machans, Kaziranga, focused on immersive learning experiences with indigenous communities to develop innovative solutions to local and global challenges, aiming to inspire a new generation of "eco-preneurs".
Conceived as a special project of the Indigenous People’s Climate Justice Forum, founded by esteemed figures such as climate activist Rituraj Phukan and Padma Shree Jadav Payeng, the Forest Man of India, Smily Academy garnered...
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