A local court at Alipore in Kolkata on Saturday sent Sadananda Gogoi to jail for five days after CBI produced him for the third time after his arrest in Saradha scam. CBI probing the multi core scam produced him before the court. But they did not seek him in their remand for the time being. Then the court sent him to jail till September 25. CBI arrested him on September 13 and got him in their remand do five days which expired on September 17 but only to be extended till Saturday.
The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has established an Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Tribunal to assess whether the United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA) and its affiliates should continue to be classified as an unlawful association.
The tribunal, chaired by Justice Michael Zothankhuma of the Gauhati High Court, was formed under Section 5(1) of the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967. This follows the MHA's recent decision to extend ULFA's ban for five more years, citing the group's ongoing efforts to secede Assam from India, links with other insurgent groups, and involvement in extortion and violence.
The ULFA, banned since 1990, has a long history of criminal activities,...
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